Daniele Petralia, Italy
“…Daniele Petralia is a very gifted pianist…he has a certain panache, good public appeal and presence, and he is a VIRTUOSO…”,
Vladimir Ashkenazy
“…Daniele Petralia is one of the most interesting young Italian pianists”,
Aldo Ciccolini (Suonare news, Milan, May 2004)
“…I met Daniele Petralia several years ago and I’ve immediately experienced his talent, his versatility and his high quality of making music …The recent invitation to the Stresa Festival has proved once more his skill to be a pianist who is able to deliver musical values to the audience at a very high quality of technical precision and subtle, meaningful interpretation.”,
Gianandrea Noseda
“…Daniele Petralia is a high professional pianist. He has great artistry, a wilfull temperament combined with a firm technical and an outstanding lyrical interpretation…”,
Pavel Gililov
Daniele Petralia was born in 1973 in Catania (Italy). He received his Degree with High Honours from the Bellini Conservatory
under the direction of Giuseppe Cultrera. After he continued his musical education at the “SommerAkademie Mozarteum” of
Salszburg and at the “S. Cecilia Academy” in Rome with Sergio Perticaroli who defined him as “a very talented pianist and excellent artist with a special music projection”, receiving his Master in Piano Performance with High Honours. He also attended Master Class with Dominique Merlet, Boris Petroushanskj, Maria Curcio-Diamand, Huseyin Sermet, Aldo Ciccolini, Lazar Berman, receiving also precious advices and encouragements from Vladimir Ashkenazy.
He enjoys an active concert schedule worldwide: ITALY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, LATVIA, POLAND, RUMANIA, GREECE, MOROCCO, UNITED STATES, CANADA, RUSSIA, JAPAN, etc.: ROME (Marcello’s Theatre; Barberini
Palace), MILAN, STRESA (Settimane Musicali of Stresa and Lago Maggiore where he opened the 2010 Festival with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Vladimir Ashkenazy), SALERNO, CHIETI, ENNA, NOTO (International Music
Festival), CATANIA (A.M.E.; Lyceum Club; Massimo Bellini Theatre), TURIN (Polincontri Classica), CORTONA, PARIS (Maison de RADIO-FRANCE; Conservatoire Italien de Paris; Association F.L.A.M.E., Theatre Le Ranelagh), ZURICH (Zurich University), ΜΟΝΤΕCARLO (Salle Garnier), MOSCOW, SALISBURY (Seminar Schloss Leopoldskron; Wiener Saal), KOBERN-GONDORF (Sommerclassics International Music Festival), WARSAW, KRAKOW (6th Mendelssohn International Music Days),
ATHENS (Pallas-centre Theatre of the Simphony Orchestra of State; Pireas University; Romanos o’Melodos Conservatory), TRIKALA (Aristotelio Odeio), THESSALONIKI, LIEPAJA (Guest Star of the International Piano Star Festival), ARAD,
CASABLANCA, RABAT, FES, NEW YORK, (Tenri Cultural Institute of Manhattan in Guggenheim Museum), DETROIT Area (Varner Recital Hall), MONTREAL, OTTAWA (National Library), PREVOST, OSAKA, NAGOYA; he made also several recording for Radio and Televisions like France - Musique in Paris.
He has worked with several Orchestras as soloist: Sicilian Symphony Orchestra, Massimo Bellini Theatre Orchestra, Arad State
Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of the Settimane Musicali di Stresa Academy, Donetsk Symphony Orchestra, New World
Philharmonic Orchestra of Montreal, Liepaja State Symphony Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra under the direction of
Vladimir Ashkenazy having been accepted by the audience enthusiastically.
He obtained several First Prizes at National Piano Competitions (Torre Orsaia Piano Competition, A.M.A. Calabria Music
Competition, Messina Music Competition, Brahms Chamber Music Competition of Barcellona P.G. in Italy); the Second Prize at the
International Piano Competition “Prix Saint-Vincent”, the Third Prize at the International Piano Competition “Ibla Grand Prize”, the
Third Prize at the International Piano Competition “F.P.Neglia” of Enna, the Second Prize (First Prize not awarded) at the International Piano Competition “V.Bellini” of Caltanissetta. Finalist at the MonteCarlo Piano Master 2000, he also obtained the First Prize at the prestigious International Piano Competitions of “Meknès” (Morocco) where he received the “Grand Prize of Princess Lalla Meriem”. He also obtained the Carlo and Rodolfo Furcht Special Prize for the interpretation of the Prokofiev 7th Sonata as Finalist at the “G. Pecar” International Piano Competition.
He is regularly invited to give Piano Master Class in Italy and abroad (Athens, X.O.N., Trikala, Aristotelio Conservatory,
Montepulciano, International Summer Piano Academy of Poros (Greece), Makedonias Music University of Thessaloniki, San Marino, Rome (Accademia Musicale di Roma Capitale), Khimki Music School (Russia), Moscow Gnessin Music Academy, etc.), and he is Member of Jury in National and International Piano Competitions (X.O.N. Competition of Athens, Piano Competition of North Greece in Thessaloniki, Villafranca European Competition, Brahms Competition of Barcellona P.G., “F. Moscato” International Piano Competition, International Piano Competition Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem of Rabat (Morocco), Rina Sala Gallo International Piano Competition in Monza, etc.)
His recording with the F. Busoni’s Preludes op.37 and Gino Tagliapietra’s Preludes (World Première Recording) for Phoenix Classics Label and On CLassical has been acclaimed by the Press.
He is Full Piano Professor at the “Vincenzo Bellini” State Music University in Catania (Italy). He’s also Visiting Professor at the Accademia Musicale di Roma Capitale in Rome and Professor at the Academie Européenne de Musique Online.
He has been Artistic Director and Artist in Residence of the OSN Mascalucia ETNA Philharmonic Orchestra.
Mr. Petralia has been awarded with an UNESCO Recognition for High Achievements in the field of Art by the International
Academy “Amici della Sapienza”.
His last CD live recording for the French label TvClassique, featuring works by Rachmaninov and Prokofiev, has been released in
December 2023 and available on all major streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music, Itunes, Qobuz,
TvClassique, etc.),